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Travel With Children, Around The World

Family World Travel, It Is Possible!

We’ve completed 3 years of non-stop round the world family travel, it’s been a blast and our lives are now changed forever, we are free.  We’d love it if you could stay with us to follow our journey. We’d love it even more if we could inspire you to take off on your own travel adventure or help you out with your planning. What do you think? Are you with us?

Travel with Kids Bangkok. World Travel Family.

The Full Time Travel With Kids Story So Far, Briefly.

We emigrated from the UK to Port Douglas, Australia in 2007. In 2013 we left to travel full-time. In our first year we visited Malaysia twice, Thailand twice, Laos, Sri Lanka, England and Wales before taking an Atlantic cruise to New York. We road-tripped or way around the USA and had 3 nights in Canada. We flew to El Salvador from Florida and travelled overland to Guatemala before returning to Florida for our 2nd Atlantic cruise back to Spain. From there we returned to London for a change of pace.

In February 2015 we set out for Turkey and Dubai, before boarding a cruise ship to Singapore. From there we headed to Bangkok before spending a month travelling around Cambodia and then a month in southern India. The tragic Nepal earthquake saw us change our plans, we headed to Romania and fell in love. We bought a house in a beautiful village there.

After experiencing a Romanian winter and ski season we headed to one of our favourites, Sri Lanka for January 2016, February was spent trekking the Everest Region in Nepal and hanging out in Pokhara and Kathmandu, where we met Prince Harry. A short stay in Dubai and we were back in Romania.

Where are we now? Romania. See our dedicated Romania travel website, Simple Life Romania.

Travel With Children is Brilliant!

Travel with children adds a whole new dimension to a trip, seeing things through children’s eyes is magical.

A lot of people find the idea of setting out into the world with a backpack a little scary. Add children to the picture and it can look impossible.

We know it’s not. We can give you some ideas and tips on the practicalities of travel with children. It’s not a picnic, you have to adapt and change your travel style to accommodate them, but it is possible, more slow travel, less rush.

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